‘What a silly comment!’ Lord Adonis shamed after rushing to EU’s defence in row with UK

Adonis says UK should negotiate ‘closer relationship’ with EU

The arch-Remainer took to Twitter to fume at the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab over the refusal to grant full diplomatic status to the EU’s ambassador to the UK. Lord Adonis warned the move was “very unwise” as he quoted Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli – who inspired the term Machiavellian.

The Labour peer tweeted: “Johnson & Raab have decided not just to leave the EU but to insult it – denying full diplomatic status to the EU ambassador being the latest insult

“Very unwise. Machiavelli: ‘People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge’.”

Lord Adonis also raged over the snub to Brussels in another tweet.

He blasted: “How silly, stupid, shortsighted, foolish, petty, self-defeating, insulting and impolite can you get?”

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Arch-Remainer Lord Adonis’ outburst prompted criticism from some Twitter users.

One hit back: “The EU’s ambassador does not need full diplomatic status. We now deal with countries.”

Another replied: “What? What a silly comment, the EU is not a single country it’s a collection of countries who have their own representation which we recognise, honestly how much nonsense will you continue to churn out!”

A third wrote: “It might help if the EU stopped referring to the U.K., as a ‘third country’.

“Simply calling the U.K., a ‘non-member’ would be far more respectful, & quite sufficient. They’re just as guilty of playing petty games.”

But another Twitter user agreed with the Labour peer, saying: “So much for Johnson’s Government wishing to develop a better relationship with the EU and seeing itself as a bridge between the US and the EU.

“Petty minded and against the UK’s interests – but that is Johnson’s Brexit.”

Joao Vale de Almeida, the EU’s first ambassador in London after Brexit, has not been given the same status as other ambassadors.

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The Foreign Office has declined to treat an international organisation in the same way as nation states.

Brussels said the EU’s 143 delegations and staff in other parts of the world had been accorded a status equivalent to countries’ embassies under the Vienna Convention, which governs the rules of international diplomacy.

Without the full protection of the Vienna Convention, diplomats do not benefit from immunity from detention, criminal jurisdiction and taxation.

European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said the UK – which as a member of the EU was a signature to the Lisbon Treaty which established the European External Action Service diplomatic network – was “well aware of the EU’s status in external relations”.

He said: “Nothing has changed since the UK’s exit from the European Union to justify any change in stance on the UK’s part.

“The EU’s status in external relations and its subsequent diplomatic status is amply recognised by countries and international organisations around the world, and we expect the United Kingdom to treat the EU Delegation accordingly and without delay.”

He insisted granting reciprocal treatment based on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is “standard practice” between equal partners and we are “confident that we can clear this issue with our friends in London in a satisfactory manner”.

Mr Stano added: “The European Union has 143 Delegations, equivalent to diplomatic missions, around the world.

“Without exception, all host states have accepted to grant these delegations and their staff a status equivalent to that of diplomatic missions of states under the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, and the UK is well aware of this fact.”

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