Tough law makes ‘streaming’ safer for young viewers

New rules for streaming media services such as Netflix will protect children from inappropriate content, says Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer. The Government’s Media Bill will ensure online providers are held to the same strict standards as traditional TV channels, she told the Sunday Express.

She said: “A show made for and broadcast on Netflix is not held to the same consistently high UK standards as one on the BBC or Sky. And the public do not have the same rights if they have concerns.

“That is obviously not appropriate.

“We plan to change this – by extending the powers of Ofcom so they can better hold these companies to account, including a new duty to check the robustness of audience protection measures, like age ratings and warnings.”

Ms Frazer added: “No parent should have to worry their child might somehow access harmful and inappropriate material while watching on-demand TV when they are out of the room.”

The Media Bill, currently in draft form, will give regulator Ofcom powers to draft and implement a new video-on-demand Code, similar to the Broadcasting Code, to ensure all content is covered by similar rules.

It will also ensure that streaming services from TV channels designated as “public service broadcasting” are available alongside others on set-top boxes or smart TVs. This includes ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5.

The Culture Secretary said regulations were 20 years old and from an era before streaming.

Ms Frazer added: “There are new trailblazers – Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ – all of whom have deep pockets, and even deeper libraries of content.

“In the last few years a revolution has taken place that has reshaped and redefined how we watch TV and listen to radio.

“To put things in perspective, the latest Ofcom figures show young adults today spend more time scrolling on TikTok than watching broadcast television.”

The Bill, which has not yet been presented to Parliament, was previously expected to include plans to privatise Channel 4, but the policy has been abandoned.

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