Tlaib ally, former Sanders surrogate says, 'Stop condemning anti-Semitism'

‘Can’t underscore enough’ how radical Tlaib, other left-wing Dems are toward Israel: Ortagus

Former State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortaguson Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., confronting President Biden on the Israel-Hamas conflict.

A former campaign surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and ally to “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., told people on social media to “stop condemning anti-Semitism.”

Comedian and activist Amer Zahr called on “activists and leaders” who are speaking out against “terrorism” and anti-Jewish rhetoric to “stop condemning anti-Semitism” in a video posted Saturday to his Twitter account.

Zahr also claimed that a recent full-page advertisement placed in the New York Times that called on models GiGi and Bella Hadid to condemn Hamas and said the terror group wanted a “second Holocaust” was actually saying the models “were in favor for a second Holocaust.”

“Stop it! They’re playing games,” Zahr claimed in the video. “Don’t condemn s***.”

“We have a cross-sectional, intersectional movement that is winning, and they are scared, and they are freaking out, and they’re trying to distract you all,” the comedian claimed.

The ad Zahr referenced said that “Hamas calls for a second Holocaust” and also included excerpts from Hamas’ charter that says the “Day of Judgment will not come about until [Muslims] fight Jews and kill them.”

According to his Twitter profile, Zahr is a former surrogate for Sanders’ failed 2020 presidential bid and donated to Tlaib’s 2018 congressional campaign. He also introduced Sanders at a campaign event in Dearborn, Michigan.

Additionally, Zahr is the president of advocacy group New Generation for Palestine, which aims to “create a network of Palestinian Americans to bond with and empower each other, to promote and celebrate Palestinian Arab culture, to preserve and disseminate Palestinian narratives, to educate the public about Palestinian history and heritage, and to articulate and advocate for a peaceful and just future in our homeland Palestine.”

New Generation for Palestine recently featured Tlaib as a keynote speaker at one of their events and Zahr posted a picture on Facebook with the congresswoman, tagging her campaign and including the hashtag “Free Palestine.”

The comedian also visited Tlaib’s office during her swearing-in, where he posted a video of him placing a sticky note with “Palestine” written on it and pointing to Israel on a map. He also posted a picture of himself with Tlaib stumping for Sanders. 

When asked for comment by Fox News, Zahr said the people involved in the Palestinian movement “have been condemning anti-Semitism and all forms of racism” for decades.

“We have been very clear at making this distinction between Zionism and Judaism – Zionism as a political movement and Judaism as a people and a religion, many of whom are a part of the Arab culture and have lived in Palestine for centuries,” he told Fox News. “And so we have condemned anti-Semitism for decades.”

“The question I ask when people keep asking us to condemn it is: what is it about us that makes you think that we wouldn’t?” Zahr added.

Zahr declined to comment to Fox News on whether he believed his video calling on people to stop condemning anti-Semitism would result in further anti-Semitic violence in America as the country sees an upswing.

Sanders’ office did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

The comedian’s comments come amid a wave of anti-Semitic attacks and rhetoric after Israel and the Palestinian Authority-backed terror group Hamas clashed for 11 days following rocket attacks from the latter.

Over the weekend, the NYPD announced they have launched two more investigations into potential anti-Semitic hate crimes after two Jewish teenagers were reportedly surrounded by a pro-Palestine angry mob who beat them with baseball bats.

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