Ryanair chief sensationally claims Brexiteers will die soon

Blaming Brexit for Dover chaos is ‘lame excuse’, Tory MP says

The chief executive of Ryanair has sensationally claimed that Britain will rejoin the EU within the next 15 years as a generation of Brexiteers “will die”. Airline boss Michael O’Leary claimed the British public was sold a “tissue of lies” over the benefits of quitting the EU. He also accused former Prime Minister Boris Johnson of being “completely delusional” about Brexit, claiming the impacts of the decision have been “net negative”.

Hitting out at former Conservative governments, Mr O’ Leary said the British public “mistakenly assumed there would be some kind of competence at the top”.

Speaking at a Bloomberg event, the Ryanair boss said: “In the next five to 10 years, quite a number of the Brexiteers will die, as the average age of them is about over 70.

“Younger people coming through are much more pro-European.”

He added: “Everything that was promised to the UK population, the sunny uplands and the ability to do trade deals everywhere around the world were shown to be a tissue of lies.

“We mistakenly assumed there would be some kind of competence at the top of the government under Johnson and they would at least put the economy first and do a sensible deal.

“It turns out that was completely delusional, just like Johnson and the rest of his Brexit cohort.”

While Mr O’Leary said he is “more optimistic” now that Rishi Sunak is in office, alongside Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, he criticised aviation minister Baroness Vere.

He mocked the Tory minister saying she is “not the brightest sandwich in the picnic basket.”

Mr O’Leary said visas had become “ludicrously expensive” for EU staff as a result of Brexit, with the documents costing up to £3,000 each.

He explained: “The problem we find dealing with the government is there’s an obsession in most departments to find excuses that show where Brexit benefits.

“Duty free is back on flights to and from Europe, that’s about the only benefit.”

The outspoken boss also predicted the UK would “in the next 10 to 15 years” strike a “trade deal with Europe, similar to Norway or Switzerland”.

He added: “I think they will pay into a European budget, I think they will have no choice.

“The fundamental strength of the single market, is something that is too attractive for the UK economy to be excluded from.”

He said the future of the European Union depends greatly on “how Europe responds to Brexit”.

Mr O’Leary continued: “Brexit should come as a real warning to the European Union.

“You need to focus on the things which improve people’s lives, which is improving the single market.”

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