OAN aired a 90-second disclaimer before the MyPillow CEO's election conspiracy documentary

  • A far-right cable outlet aired a lengthy disclaimer ahead of the MyPillow CEO’s new documentary.
  • OAN ran 90 seconds of legalese before showing Mike Lindell’s election conspiracy movie.
  • Looming lawsuits from voting machine companies have dogged Lindell’s false claims.
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Under the ongoing threat of costly lawsuits from voting machine companies Smartmatic and Dominion, One America News Network aired a 90-second disclaimer claiming no affiliation or endorsement whatsoever of the erroneous views offered in a new documentary from MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.

Lindell bought airtime on the network for the documentary, according to OAN’s disclaimer.

In the three-hour movie, Lindell features several bit players from the election fraud conspiracy theory pushed by former President Donald Trump.

Smartmatic and Dominion have recently filed or threatened to file litany of lawsuits, with longtime Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani facing a $1.3 billion defamation suit and Smartmatic filing a $2.7 billion lawsuit against Fox News earlier this week.

The OAN disclaimer went to significant lengths to distance the network from any potentially defamatory claims made by Lindell in his flick.


A narrator begins the disclaimer by saying Lindell is “exclusively responsible” for the content of the documentary, and that it is “not a product of OAN’s reporting.”

“Further, the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts,” the disclaimer continues.

The OAN disclaimer comes on the heels of Lindell being talked over during an appearance on Newsmax, where the anchor read similar language before walking off the set as the MyPillow founder continued to baselessly accuse Dominion of fraud.

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