Nicola Sturgeon should ‘definitely’ be suspended from SNP – YOUR VIEW

Nicola Sturgeon: 'No cause for concern' about SNP finances in March 2021

Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is facing calls from opposition MSPs to be suspended from the Scottish National Party (SNP) amid a police probe into the Party’s finances. A view shared by the vast majority of readers, a new poll has shown. Sources have claimed that Ms Sturgeon ordered the SNP’s ruling body, the National Executive Committee, to stop asking questions about finances and the £600,000 that went missing from party accounts.

Ms Sturgeon is alleged to have told a recorded meeting of the NEC in 2021, a month after police launched an investigation: “We don’t need to talk about the finances. The finances are absolutely fine.”

Scottish Labour’s Deputy Leader Jackie Baillie told The Telegraph:“This bombshell revelation goes to show just how central Nicola Sturgeon was to the secrecy and culture of cover-up that festered within the SNP.

“She has big questions to answer over her actions and Humza Yousaf must consider suspending her party membership and that of her husband, former chief executive Peter Murrell, until the investigation has been concluded.”

Mr Yousaf has said he sees “no reason whatsoever” to suspend his predecessor. He said: “Her husband has been questioned under caution – admittedly that’s a significant event. But we are far past the time, I think, of judging what a woman does based on what happens to her husband.”

In a poll that ran from 12.30pm on Tuesday, April 18, to 4.30pm on Thursday, April 20, asked readers: “Should Nicola Sturgeon be suspended from the SNP amid party finance investigation?”

Overall, 6,525 votes were received, with a staggering 96 percent (6,241 people) answering “yes” she should be suspended. Whereas four percent (251 people) said “no” she should not, and 33 people said they did not know.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers discussed Ms Sturgeon’s political future.

Many readers thought that Ms Sturgeon should be suspended, with username Grumpy 79 commenting: “Very definitely.”

Another, username ScotsLass, said: “Seems only fair to suspend her. She is not currently attending Holyrood in person. It would be the right thing while this matter is investigated.”

Meanwhile, others thought that she should keep her position. Username Gaspodethedog said: “No! She must remain in the SNP and take full responsibility for her actions or inactions, make her face the music!

Whereas username DuncanWalker1 wrote: “I voted yes but believe she shouldn’t be suspended but sacked outright.”

And username ursh45 remarked: “Not just suspended she should be thrown out altogether.”

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