Nancy Pelosi Again Wears Symbolic Outfit to Oversee Trump's Second Impeachment

Without even saying a word, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke volumes today as she arrived to Wednesday's House impeachment vote wearing the same outfit she wore at President Donald Trump's first impeachment.

Pelosi's office confirmed to PEOPLE that the outfit worn by Pelosi on Wednesday is the same one worn on Dec. 18, 2019, when she presided over the House impeachment of Trump after the president withheld some $400 million in military aid from Ukraine while he pushed Ukraine's president to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and Biden's family.

Pelosi's dark, two-piece skirt suit was paired with a gold necklace and floral face mask on Monday.

Missing from the outfit was a brooch worn in 2019, designed to mimic a ceremonial mace, a symbol of legislative power. As the New York Times previously reported, a mace typically "placed atop a pedestal to the Speaker's right side" during House sessions.

Pelosi is known for her symbolic sartorial choices, which in the past have included white pantsuits, a nod to suffragists.

Pelosi has called for Trump's removal from office after he incited the deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday, telling 60 Minutes in a recent interview that the president is "a deranged, unhinged, dangerous" person.

Earlier this week, the House passed a resolution calling on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, which would have declared Trump incapable of executing the duties of his office.

In a letter sent to Pelosi Tuesday, Pence said he would not invoke the 25th, leading the House to move forward with their efforts to remove Trump via impeachment.

House Democrats formally introduced one article of impeachment against Trump on Monday, charging him with "incitement of insurrection" after the failed coup attempt last week that lead to the deaths of at least five people.

Several Republican representatives have said they will vote in favor of impeachment when the House votes Wednesday.

Speaking to members of Congress as she gaveled the House into session, Pelosi said: "We know that the president of the United States incited this insurrection. He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love."

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