Made in Britain, sold to World! £1tn export bounty about to explode now EU chains broken

Boris Johnson discusses plans under Brexit Freedoms Bill

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The Government published a paper on the Benefits of Brexit on Monday, highlighting a number of new policies set to catapult independent Britain into the global trading world.

Among them, Boris Johnson’s team launched a new export strategy aimed at the promotion of Made in the UK products.

They wrote: “Our 12-point Export Strategy, ‘Made in the UK, Sold to the

World’ provides businesses with the tools they need to become a nation of exporters and reap the benefits of our free trade deals.

“The ‘Race to £1trillion’ worth of exports per year by the end of this decade means more jobs, more opportunities and higher wages, helping to level up the UK and build back better.”

Explaining the plan in a more detailed document on the country’s new export strategy, the Government said: “There’s a world of opportunity, matched by the UK’s export potential — our strongest export markets are typically found in markets like the United States or Europe.

“However, the global economy is changing. Rapid economic growth in the Indo-Pacific region is shifting the world’s centre of economic gravity eastwards. The world economy is also expected to become more services-oriented, and the UK’s specialist sectors are predicted to grow faster than the global average.

“Exports are a critical part of our economy — exports support millions of jobs in the UK and evidence suggests important links between trade and productivity. This export plan seeks to ensure these benefits are felt across the country.

“It will build the exporting capability of critical sectors, such as tech and clean economy. This will support the government’s Innovation Strategy, Net Zero Strategy and Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.”

They continued: “Our ambition is to reach £1 trillion in exports annually — we want businesses to be ambitious in their exporting. Projections suggest that we will reach £1 trillion in exports annually by the mid-2030s, but we think can get there faster if we work together.

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“We are therefore challenging business and government to Race to a Trillion. This strategy will be the joint framework for us to accelerate that race and grow our economy through exports.

“Made in the UK, Sold to the World — the strategy comprises a 12-point plan which sets out the path that government will take to transform our support offer and Build Back Better.

“This will allow the UK to level up and project Global Britain. Among other initiatives, the plan includes a range of new support measures, including the new Export Support Service (ESS) and the UK Export Academy.”

The Benefits Of Brexit paper lists a number of areas where the UK Government hopes to allow for advancement, including by: making it faster and easier to run clinical health trials; paving the way for quantum technologies research; removing “burdensome” EU regulations on Britain’s wine sector; and allowing the country to take advantage of advancements in autonomous vehicles and drone technology.

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Joe Marshall, a senior researcher at the Institute for Government, said the document appeared to demonstrate the “lasting impact” of the influence of Lord Frost, the former UK negotiator and Brexit minister who quit the Government in December.

“He took a very broad view of Brexit opportunities – far beyond finding specific EU laws we wanted to change – and wanted a wider ‘mindset shift’ on regulation more broadly,” Mr Marshall tweeted.

“His plans also had a whiff of empire building in Whitehall…”

Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has said she had a “good call” with European Commission vice president Maros Sefcovic ahead of further talks this week to try to resolve the impasse over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

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