‘Lots of people here queueing for food banks’ Ferrari puts Philp on spot over Ukraine aid

Chris Philp defends sending help to Ukraine

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Boris Johnson’s Government has sent a total of £1.3billion in military support to Ukraine to help Ukrainians defend themselves against Putin’s invasion amid intense fighting in the coveted eastern Donbas region. The aid package comes as a record number of Britons are flocking to food banks amid the cost of living crisis caused in part by the Ukraine war and the resulting inflation. According to the Trussell Trust, more than 2.1 million food parcels have been distributed in 2021-2022 – a first outside of the first year of the pandemic. 

LBC’s Nick Ferrari confronted Technology Minister Philp on how struggling Britons are interpreting further help for Ukraine.

He asked: “Do you think it does mean a lot for people here at home if they’re having to queue at food banks that we’re helping Ukraine?”

Mr Philp squirmed: “Well, we’re helping Ukraine because freedom is at stake, right?

“And freedom, I think, is non-negotiable.

“But we’re obviously doing a huge amount to help people domestically as well.”

“I mentioned the £15million package last week”, Mr Philp continued. 

“That’s on top of what we’ve done already.

“And I think that’s a total of £22billion.

“Things like the 5p cut in fuel duty, the national living wage a couple of months ago went up by seven percent – which is a thousand pounds a year – for people on the national living wage.

“For people on universal credit, we’ve changed the type or so.”

Mr Philp added: “The 2 million people in lower-paid jobs get an extra thousand pounds a year.”

“These are huge steps designed to help people on lower incomes.

“It’s obviously vital we do that.

“But it’s also vital we protect freedom around the world as well, which we’re doing in Ukraine”, Mr Philp said.

“Obviously, the government can do both things.”

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Moving on to reports that Boris Johnson could make it more difficult for Conservatives to win the next general election, he said: “Look, I think what will determine the outcome of the next election are issues like, how have we done on jobs and the economy.”

“On jobs, we now have a record number of payroll jobs”, Mr Philp explained.

“Unemployment, only 3.7 percent. It has not been the lowest since 1974, which is before I was even born.

“We saw last week obviously the Chancellor’s announcement: £15billion package to help people with the cost-of-living challenges.

“These are global challenges to which we are determined to do everything we can domestically to outset those.”

Moving on to reports that Boris Johnson could make it more difficult for Conservatives to win the next general election, he said: “Look, I think what will determine the outcome of the next election are issues like, how have we done on jobs and the economy.”

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