Keir Starmer says 99.9 percent of women ‘haven’t got a penis’

Sir Keir Starmer faced fresh ridicule on Sunday night after clarifying his stance on transgender issues by saying “of course” 99.9 percent of women “haven’t got a penis”. The Labour leader is under pressure to define his party’s position on gender identity following the fierce row in Scotland.

Sir Keir has also been warned by party strategists that he risks losing the next general election if he continues to face questions about how to define a woman.

Last month he appeared to shift his position and hinted he could ditch his commitment to introduce self-declaration.

Sir Keir has previously been reluctant to say whether a woman can have a penis –­­­ which has been branded “dystopian” by one critical Labour MP.

He also said in 2021 that it was “not right” to say only women have a cervix.

But, in an interview with the Sunday Times, the Labour leader said: “For 99.9 percent of women, it is completely biological… of course they haven’t got a penis.”

One Tory insider said Sir Keir’s indecisiveness would be a “nightmare” for the country if he came to power, adding: “He doesn’t even know one end of his elbow from the other, let alone basic biological facts. He would be a nightmare for the country if he ever got near No10.”

And Dr Anthony Hinton, a consultant surgeon, tweeted: “Keir Starmer claims 0.1 percent of women have a penis.

“I’m in my 40th year as a doctor, studied 5 years at medical school & was top in my class for biology. Never knew 1 in 1,000 women have a penis.”

Sir Keir also said there shouldn’t be a “rolling back” of women’s rights in the transgender debate.

“There are still many battles that need to go ahead for women and I don’t think we should roll anything back,” he said. Nicola Sturgeon’s recent resignation as SNP leader and Scotland’s first minister came in the wake of a row over the Scottish Government’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill.

Sir Keir acknowledged that Labour had learned from it.

He said: “If you can’t take the public with you on a journey of reform, then you’re probably not on the right journey. And that’s why I think that collectively there ought to be a reset in Scotland.”

Conservative MP Mark Jenkinson said: “100 percent of women don’t have penises. Sir Keir still doesn’t get it. He’s trying to suggest he’s changed his position, but people aren’t fooled by his constant attempts to ride two horses. As soon as you allow one man to declare that he’s a woman, and breach the protections and spaces that it entails, you’ve overridden women’s rights.”

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