Braverman faces battle over plan to open £20k-a-day migrant barge

The first barge to be used to house asylum seekers under plans aimed at reducing the reliance on expensive hotels could be unveiled this week. The Home Office hopes in the coming days to announce a leasing agreement to use the Bibby Stockholm “floatel” in Portland, Dorset.

But the move, which reportedly will cost more than £20,000 a day, also risks sparking a Tory row.

Conservative MP Richard Drax, who represents the area, has described the use of boats as “totally and utterly out of the question”.

Mr Drax, Dorset council, residents’ groups, charities and the local police and crime commissioner are understood to be preparing legal action against the plans.

They argue the Home Office has failed to consult the community, that the location is inappropriate for housing migrants and that there is a lack of local facilities to support then.

Details of any agreement with the Liverpool-based Bibby Marine Limited and the costs were unclear, but the 93-metre long vessel can house up to 506 people.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: “The pressure on the asylum system has continued to grow and requires us to look at a range of accommodation options which offer better value for money for taxpayers than hotels.”


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