Boris Johnson warned abandoning Brexit fishing deal could spark brutal retaliation from EU

Brexit: Expert reveals possible ‘huge blow’ to fishermen

Liam Campling, Professor of International Business and Development at Queen Mary University warned of the potential consequences if the Brexit deal is not adhered to. During an interview with, Professor Campling discussed the consequences of the UK shortening the five year fishing transition period agreed. He insisted this would be dangerous as it would allow the EU the opportunity to implement tariffs on fishing goods.

He added, if this was not equal to the money lost, the EU would be within their right to implement tariffs on non-fishing products.

Professor Campling said: “Essentially the EU has the rights to introduce tariffs on fish products.

“If those fish products are deemed not to be an equivalent value of the quota that is taken away then the EU is also able to apply tariffs on other product areas.

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“So economically it becomes unknowable.

“The economic impact may end up bleeding across from fisheries into other sectors.

“For example into automobiles or Scottish Whisky, who knows.”

Despite this possibility, Professor Campling noted that there is pressure on the Government to shorten the transition period.

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He insisted this was because fishing communities across the country are unhappy about the agreed deal.

Boris Johnson and his Government have since said they will introduce financial support for fishermen struggling, however.

Professor Campling said: “There is a possibility of shortening the five year period.

“But if that was to happen, then all of the remedies, dispute settlement process, would kick in.

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“Again, that would mean the EU would be entirely within its rights to introduce tariffs on EU imports of fish and fish products from the UK.

“We would potentially have more quota but we would have nowhere to sell it.

“That would be a huge blow to the average British fisherman.”

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