10 things you need to know before the opening bell

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1. Investors are shrugging off the likely impeachment of Donald Trump. Economic optimism is taking over and boosting stocks and oil – here's why.

2. Oil has recovered from the coronavirus shock of 2020. Take a look at what's driving the crude price to its highest in almost a year. 

3. Own Tesla stock? This why billionaire Howard Marks says you should "absolutely cut back" on your holdings.

4. Commodities are taking off right now. Find out which two will outperform gold this year, according to UBS.

5. If you're a long-term investor, focus on cash-rich companies, not stimulus. Here's why investment bank Jefferies believes the current profit cycle is unique.

6. Earnings expected: Markit Ltd releases quarterly results.

7. On the data docket: Monthly consumer price inflation data, along with the Fed's Beige Book, weekly government oil inventories and a 30-year bond auction are coming up. 

8. Julian Klymochko wakes up at 4:30 a.m. to manage an ETF that seeks to profit from the SPAC boom. He breaks down how the strategy works, and shares 2 new SPACs on his radar.

9. Goldman Sachs expects sharp economic growth and higher inflation in 2021. The firm relays 50 stocks in its so-called recovery basket set to take off amid favorable conditions.

10. A leading Wall Street firm asked 7 famous investors about their favorite stocks and trades. Modern legends ranging from Bill Miller to Mario Gabelli broke down what they're betting on now.

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