Bittrex Lists Tokenized GME, AMC, NOK, BB

Bittrex Global, a subsidiary of the US based Bittrex crypto exchange, has announced they are listing any stock restricted by Robinhood, including GME, AMC, NOK, BB and the iShares Silver Trust (SLV).

“Bittrex Global will continue to list additional stocks as other firms announce a delisting from their platforms,” they said.

The Bermmuda based exchange has the German regulated CM-Equity as a custodian for the actual stock.

A tether style token is then provided that is meant to be 1:1 backed by the stock, but for now the token itself can’t be withdrawn from Bittrex as far as we are aware.

“We believe blockchain, decentralization, and cryptocurrencies will finally put retail investors on a more equal footing with financial institutions who have been gaming the markets for decades,” said Bittrex Global CEO Tom Albright.

Robinhood has now secured a one billion dollars cash injection but the broker clearly seems to be struggling under the influx of an ongoing phenomena that is basically making stock investment go viral.

A lot of it has spilled over to cryptos with heightened activity in a number of subreddits as 24/7 trading continues to provide them opportunities after stocks close or during the weekend.

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